2012年11月19日 星期一

親近自然--50 outdoor fun before you turn 12五十種你在十二歲前一定要嘗試的戶外活動


50 outdoor fun before you turn 12五十種你在十二歲前一定要嘗試的戶外活動:
  1. Jump over ditches跳水溝。If you fall into the water, no problem, just get changed.
  2. Build a secret hut秘密基地
  3. Light a fire生火
  4. Climb a tree爬樹
  5. Sleep outdoor戶外過夜
  6. Get totally wet完全濕透
  7. On the ice冰上活動
  8. Look at tadpole看蝌蚪
  9. Pick fruit from a tree摘水果
  10. Look after an animal照顧動物。take care of your own pet; help a ladybug back on the leaves; help a snail to cross the road
  11. Build sand castles or dikes and dams蓋沙堡挖溝渠築水壩
  12. Catch fish with a net撈魚
  13. Treasure hunt尋寶
  14. Swim in the wild野溪游泳
  15. Look for little animals發現小生命。Watch a wiggling worm; count the dots on a ladybug, then let it fly waway and make a wish.
  16. Make a raft做小船
  17. In the snow玩雪
  18. Find traces of the wild尋找野生動物的足跡
  19. Build your own dam建水壩
  20. Eat form your own garden享用自家小果園的成果
  21. Make a kite or a boat自製風箏或小船
  22. Pick flowers摘花
  23. The tent in the garden在院子裡搭帳蓬
  24. Make bow and arrow自製弓箭
  25. Night wander夜遊
  26. Outdoor sounds用戶外找到的東西發出聲響
  27. Look at clouds看雲
  28. Let young cows suck your hand讓小牛吸手
  29. Steal apples偷蘋果
  30. Sit among the cows坐在牛群之間
  31. Listen to larks聆聽百靈鳥的歌聲
  32. Into the hay稻草堆中
  33. Bury an animal埋葬小動物
  34. Get hurt受點小傷
  35. Participate in birth參與誕生
  36. Walk with bare feet打赤腳
  37. Piss in the wild野外小便
  38. Look at young birds觀察幼鳥
  39. Look at the sun觀日
  40. Flee逃跑
  41. Catch crabs抓螃蟹
  42. Stew witch soup燉巫婆湯
  43. Throw stones擲小石子
  44. Dig a pit挖洞。Or bury yourself in sand
  45. Roll down from a dike從河堤上滾下來
  46. Be creative with nature用自然創作
  47. Land grab game搶地遊戲see who can throw the most sand to the other side or see who can draw the biggest circle with chalk
  48. Lie in a pile of leaves躺在葉子堆中
  49. Smell fascinating scents聞奇異的氣味smell the scent when two stones ricochet/smell the hair a girl's under the sun/ smell an animal
  50. Get lost迷路

